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          Life Sciences 生命科學

           Andrey Titkova  張衛  Neelam Chhagani  Wendy Wilson  Bella Smith 

          • genefrancis.com

            Contact Support


            www.genefr*ncis.com - UTF-8 - 2024-05-12

          • agscientific.com

            Trusted Partner for Biochemicals and Antibiotics


            www.agscien*ific.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-03

          • 4plus.com.tw


              ::1This domain name has been registered with Gandi.net. It is currently parked by the owner.

            www.4plus.com.tw - UTF-8 - 2024-04-03

          • ac-gt.com

            Cell and Gene Therapy Consultants

              ::1Our consultants leverage decades of experience with cell and gene therapies to provide practical guidance for successful development and commercialization of advanced therapy products.

            www.ac-gt.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-03

          • 2020gene.com

            Welcome to 20

              ::120/20 GeneSystems We Modernize Clinical Lab Testing with Machine Learning and Real-World Data Learn More Our Products OneTest?¢a€??¢ for Cancer OneTest is t ...

            www.2020gene.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-03

          • acgtfoundation.org

            Alliance for Cancer...

              ::1Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are not effective enough treatments for most cancer patients. Cell and gene therapies are a new option.

            www.acgtfoundation.org - UTF-8 - 2024-04-03

          • beckmangenomics.com

            GENEWIZ from Azenta Life Sciences

              ::1As a leader in R&D genomics services, GENEWIZ provides superior data and high-quality constructs for next generation sequencing, gene synthesis, and sanger sequencing.

            www.beckmangenomics.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-03

          • ascentgene.com


              ::1AscentGene is a leading biotechnology company that provides expertise and services for establishing cell lines used in protein expression, studying gene function, and monoclonal antibody production. AscentGene’s goal is to provide high-quality products and services to the life sciences community using innovative technologies and a highly experienced team of scientists. AscentGene’s cell line service is VLP - Virus-like particles

            www.ascentgene.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-02

          • astrotalkuk.org

            blog on astronomy

              ::1Not for profit website/blog on astronomy, space and my writing

            www.astrotalkuk.org - UTF-8 - 2024-04-02

          • biobasic.com

            CMO for Quality and Affordable Research

              ::1From bio research products to services like gene synthesis, cloning, oligo synthesis, DNA sequencing etc, Bio Basic is the trusted CRO/CMO/CDMO/GMP in USA & CAN

            www.biobasic.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-02

          • naotanzhuanjia.info



            naotanzhuan*ia.info - UTF-8 - 2018-01-26

          • cmdp.com.cn



            www.cmd*.com.cn - GB2312 - 2011-08-02

          • wlrdw.com



            www.w*rdw.com - UTF-8 - 2016-03-22

          • bioon.com


               [待更新] 生物谷,中國專業的生物醫藥學網站,提供生物醫藥領域的資訊信息,以及與生物產業,新藥開發,生物醫藥行業報告,生物醫藥人才招聘等綜合服務。

            www.bioo*.com - UTF-8 - 2016-03-22

          • newscientist.com

            New Scientist

               [待更新] Science news and science articles from New Scientist

            www.newsci*ntist.com - UTF-8 - 2013-10-28

          • cn-boxing.com


               [待更新] 中華氣功大全網:提供專業的氣功, 太極拳, 武術, 瑜伽, 養生, 功夫, 散打, 玄學, 技擊的綜合性氣功網站。

            www.*n-boxing.com - GB2312 - 2014-07-24

          • lzyysw.com


               [待更新] 老中醫養生網為網民提供各種中醫養生知識,有食療、藥膳、藥食同源、減肥、健身、保健等相關資料,并同時供應相關養生產品,開設養生論壇供網民咨詢、討論中醫養生相關話題。

            www.lzyysw*.com - UTF-8 - 2014-07-24

          • familytreedna.com

            Genetic Testing for Ancestry


            www.familytreed*a.com - UTF-8 - 2016-03-22

          • cndzys.com


               [待更新] 大眾養生網是國內第一專業中醫養生門戶網站,為大眾提供各種中醫養生知識,包括中醫養生,經絡理療,食療養生,道家養生,黃帝內經養生,傳統運動養生,土木養生,疾病預防等生活各個方面,將養生貫穿于日常生活,真正做到讓養生大眾化,全民化。...

            www.cn*zys.com - GB2312 - 2011-10-23

          • dasfjd.com


               [待更新] 浙江親子鑒定中心、親子鑒定機構、司法鑒定機構、司法鑒定所,浙江迪安司法鑒定中心主要提供DNA親子鑒定、個人親子鑒定、匿名親子鑒定、杭州、金華、義烏、臺州、溫州、寧波、嘉興、紹興、湖州、麗水、南京、常州、無錫、江陰、宜興、產前、羊水、胎兒、權威親子鑒定、醫療損害鑒定、頁示...

            www.das*jd.com - UTF-8 - 2016-03-22

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